Bald Groups
Bald And Beautiful
27 membersA group for women with baldness or thinning hair who embrace their looks and feel beautiful regardless of their hair.
Bald And Handsome
73 membersA group for men with baldness or thinning hair who embrace their looks and feel handsome regardless of their hair.
Bald By Choice
54 membersA group for people who have chosen to shave their head for any reason.
Concerned About Hair Loss
31 membersA group for people who are concerned about their thinning hair and looking for advice, support and solutions.
Proudly Bald
45 membersA group for people who are proud of their baldness and are unashamed of their look.
Shaved Head For Aesthetics
33 membersA group for people who have chosen to shave their head for their desired aesthetic look.
Shaved Head For Military
11 membersA group for people who have shaved their head for military reasons and would like to connect with others who have done the same.
Unconcerned About Hair Loss
23 membersA group for people who are unconcerned about their thinning hair and are comfortable with their look.
Chemically Induced Hair Loss
3 membersA group for people who suffer from hair loss caused by any type of chemical treatment or product.
Drug Induced Hair Loss
2 membersA group for people who suffer from hair loss caused by any type of drug.
Involuntary Hair Loss
28 membersA group for people who suffer from hair loss caused by any type of medical condition or illness.
Voluntary Hair Loss
7 membersA group for people who have chosen to undertake any type of procedure or treatment that results in hair loss.
Alopecia Areata
8 membersA group for people suffering from alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition that causes patches of baldness to form on the scalp.
Alopecia Universalis
7 membersA group for people suffering from alopecia universalis, an autoimmune condition that causes total baldness on the scalp and body.
Androgenic Alopecia
2 membersA group for people suffering from androgenic alopecia, a genetic condition that results in hair thinning and baldness.
Hair Thinning
27 membersA group for people who are experiencing thinning hair and looking for advice, support and solutions.
Involutional Alopecia
1 memberA group for people suffering from involutional alopecia, a type of hair loss caused by aging.
Male Pattern Baldness
22 membersA group for people suffering from male pattern baldness, a genetic condition that typically causes hair loss in a symmetrical pattern.
Telogen Effluvium
1 memberA group for people suffering from telogen effluvium, a type of hair loss caused by physical or emotional stress.
5 membersA group for people suffering from trichotillomania, an impulse disorder that causes people to pull out their own hair.
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